May 15, 2008

We Contend that Comcast Committed Fraud

Comcast finally dispatched a personnel to pick up the converter box, after my hubby's refusal to return the box on the principle that we are not to waste our own gas nor to pay for another $30 to schedule a pick up. "Lying and cheating Comcast can kiss my ass!" he said, "they stole enough money from us."

We had been trying to talk to Comcast to correct the over charge to no avail, and my sweetest but temperamental honey just had enough, and canned Comcast. And as he had predicted, Comcast continued to try to charge us for "services" after cancellation, and even resorted to collection agencies. My hubby refuted all claims and attempts, and refer to all "documents" written and saved.

Finally a lovely young lady from Comcast came over and cautiously tried to pick up the converter. It was clear that she was somewhat fearful of inciting any psychotic tendency in my sweet man. At the end, she abided to his "polite" request and wrote on the receipt "The customer contends that Comcast committed fraud by over charging."

The young lady asked whether or not we would be interested in returning to Comcast and even mentioned a promotional package, to which my hubby puked "no way in hell ever again." The young lady was very apologetic and I have never seen my hubby showed so much disgust.

Life has been a little better since moving to a different provider। :)

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