December 3, 2008

Eating Organics

I just read International Herald Tribune and there is an article getting my attention.

Dr. Alan Greene, a pediatrician and author in Danville, California, decided to eaten nothing but organic foods for three years to find out the impact on human body.

Why 3 years? The reason is "that was the amount of time it took to have a breeding animal certified organic by the U.S. Department of Agriculture."

"Organic farmers don't use conventional methods to fertilize the soil, control weeds and pests, or prevent disease in livestock. Organic methods often lead to higher costs, and consumers can pay twice as much for organic foods as for conventional products."

Dr. Alan Greene said: "If you don't eat meat at every meal, if meat becomes more of a side dish than a centerpiece, you can fill the plate with healthy organic food for about the same price."

Hey that is so true and hopefully inspiring to us people to think about what to eat is what we will become.

The report indicates that: "Greene said he was inspired to go all-organic after talking to a dairy farmer who noted that livestock got sick less after a switch to organic practices. He wondered if becoming 100 percent organic might improve his own health. Three years later, he says he has more energy and wakes up earlier."

In Dr. Greene's latest book, "he advocates a "strategic" approach, urging parents to insist on organic versions of a few main foods, like milk, potatoes, apples and baby food."

Seriously, that is something that we need to put into our considerations.

note: the original article: One man's 3-year experiment in eating organic food - all the time ->

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